A selection of our clients over 25 years

A selection of client projects.
- Preparing a comprehensive range of health materials to address men's health, women's health, nutrition, exercise, smoking and alcohol; including leaflets, fact sheets, posters and presentation materials.
- Conference presentation on Effective Learning and Health. The session addressed energy times, creating a learning space, energy and brain food, exercise brain breaks and learning styles. 250 delegates attended the conference representing learners and trainers from throughout the organisation.
- A series of workshops to European Managers with a focus on health, stress management and creating energy & well-being.
- Active Workplace Initiative; managing a joint initiative with the British Heart Foundation and Loughborough University to design an active workplace toolkit for use by organisations nationwide. The Think Fit toolkit promotes physical activity in the workplace and includes a range of ideas to incorporate exercise into daily lives at home and at work.
- Providing health consultancy to a major telecommunications organisation to design health initiatives for access via mobile phones.
- Writing health information for an intranet site covering: women's health, men's health, nutrition, fitness, complementary health, health awareness, managing your own health and links to on-line resources.
- Design of workshops to provide follow up health interventions to complement on-line health and well-being assessments:- sleep, creating energy, managing stress and pressure.
- Improving Working Lives - Series of nationwide workshops to address work/life balance and flexible working within the NHS.
- Creating a service delivery strategy and action plan for the implementation of diabetes care.
- A series of teachers’ workshops focusing on work/life balance and stress management.
- A range of lunch time seminars on positive thinking, listening skills and effective communication.
- Conference presentations - Boosting Your Energy and Improving your Well-Being, Creating Energy and Well-Being during times of change, Creating Peak Performance.
- Delivering a range of health workshops to a financial organisation - eating well, sleeping well, well woman and well man.